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Structured packing refers to a range of specially designed materials for use in absorption and distillation columns and chemical reactors to improve separation. Structured packing typically consists of thin corrugated metal plates or gauzes arranged in a way that they force fluids to take complicated paths through the column, thereby creating a large surface area for contact between different phases. It provides high capacity, higher efficiency and lower pressure drop than any random packing and most trays. Because of the capillary effect, the wire gauze material provides an extremely wettable surface, resulting in excellent mass transfer efficiency, particularly at very low liquid rates.
When using structured packing, the number of necessary theoretical equilibrium stages is first determined and then the packing height equivalent to a theoretical equilibrium stage, known as the height equivalent to a theoretical plate (HETP), is also determined. The total packing height required is the number of theoretical stages multiplied by the HETP.
Depending on the application needs, we provide structured packing in a variety of materials, including stainless steel, copper, aluminum, titanium, nickel and thermoplastics.
    Specification Examples for Wire Gauze Structured
Product ID Peak Height (mm) Surface Area (m2/ m3) Inclination Angle Hydraulic Diameter (mm) Porosity (%) Theoretical Stages (No./m)  
SS-700 4.4 700 45° 5 87-90 6-9 [Order]
SS-500 6.3 500 30° 7.3 95 4-5 [Order]

    Specification Examples for Corrugated Metal Sheet Structured
Product ID Peak Height (mm) Surface Area (m2/ m3) Hydraulic Diameter (mm) Porosity (%) Theoretical Stages (No./m)  
SS-125 24 125 31.5 98.5 1-1.2 [Order]
SS-250 12.5 250 15.8 97 2-3 [Order]
SS-350 8 350 12 95 3.5-4 [Order]
SS-450 6.3 450 9 93 4-5 [Order]
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