Home  >  Barbed Wire  >  Galvanized Barbed Wire
Galvanization process coats the barbed wire with a zinc layer. Zinc coatings prevent corrosion of the protected metal by forming a physical barrier and by acting as a sacrificial anode if this barrier is damaged. When exposed to oxygen, water, and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, zinc yields a thin, impermeable, tenacious and quite insoluble dull grey layer of zinc carbonate which adheres extremely well to the underlying zinc, so protecting it from further corrosion, in a way similar to the protection afforded to aluminum and stainless steels by their oxide layers.
    Specification Galvanized Barbed Wire
Gauge of Wire Length per Kg, m  
Strand and Barb in B.W.G. Barbs Spacing 3" Barbs Spacing 4" Barbs Spacing 5" Barbs Spacing 6"
12X12 6.0617 6.759 7.27 7.6376 [Order]
12X14 7.335 7.9051 8.3015 8.5741 [Order]
12-1/2X12-1/2 6.9223 7.719 8.3022 8.7221 [Order]
12-1/2X14 8.1096 8.814 9.2242 9.562 [Order]
13X13 7.9808 8.899 9.5721 10.0553 [Order]
13X14 8.8448 9.6899 10.2923 10.7146 [Order]
13-1/2X14 9.6079 10.6134 11.4705 11.8553 [Order]
14X14 10.4569 11.659 12.5423 13.1752 [Order]
14-1/2X14-1/2 11.9875 13.3671 14.3781 15.1034 [Order]
15X15 13.8927 15.4942 16.6666 17.507 [Order]
15-1/2X15-1/2 15.3491 17.1144 18.406 19.3386 [Order]
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